
Showing posts from July, 2022


  Hello everyone, this time the topic is about English at university. Well, the last semester the English was online, so having English face to face is a very good avantage, I think I learned a lot more than the last semester and I hope that a little less than the next semester. Talking with other people and not only with the teacher was very very useful, because, really, in the last semester only a few of us were talking, and having a conversation with my classmates was impossible. So, taking the course face to face is really good to understand, to have comments from the teacher and from my classmates, and know that all the people present are giving their attention to the class.  I enjoy the course of course, but also I have to talk about the bad things. First of all, I think that continue with the type of evaluations of the last semester is a very bad thing, like, do videos, do blogs, we do that the last semester because we was in a online course, but this time I feel we can...