Who I Am?

Hello everyone. My name is Carla Roa, i'm twenty years old, and i'm from Chile.

ACE, my favorite
kpop group
I'm really into the culture of asia, i like the asian entertainment (like manga/anime, doramas, kpop, jrock/jpop) and, of course, the culture about these countrys like food, history, tradicional dress and actual fashion. Also i like so much cook many type of food, and of course, eat all of type of food. I like do marcial arts (i practice karate) and dance with my friends.


I have a brother old than me, and a sister young than me, my parents are divorced but their relation is very good at this moment. We lived with my sister, brother and mom, but my father lived near to us

I was born on March 14th, in El Bosque (because my parents lived in that place with my grandmother) but we go to lived in another comuna, so we lived almost of my childhood in Puente Alto, in a House with a lot of vegetation, i really like that place, after that we move again, this time to my actually house in maipu that is an apartment. 

Actualy i am a student of Sociology in the Univesity de Chile. It's a little complicated to explain why i decided study Sociology, but if i need to do, maybe is because I interested in the culture, especificaly some cultural process like art, and how that inside in the life of many people.


  1. ohh actually one of the reasons I study sociology is because I am really interested in other cultures too. c:

  2. do you know loona? it's a very good kpop group, with really fantastic concepts

    1. Yes, i really like loona too (especially their choreography and concept) but i not stan yet

  3. Hi Carla, i think that is very cool that you like to cook bacause i really want to learn more about that.

  4. Hi Carla, the asian culture is very interesting, i like some anime are the best.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Carla! I'm glat that you watch anime as a hobby. It seems prety interesting.


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