A career-oriented website I enjoy visiting.


Hello everyone, I hope that all of you be okay, today I’m going to talk about a website that help me a lot with the career:

It’s a youtube channel with the name “filosofía de la historia” and this is the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSoYP_BSyf-dlvjX_Wf3PNA, as the name said, this is a youtube channel with History of philosophy. This channel helps me a lot with “teoria sociologica clasica”, I visit a lot this semester. 

This channel has many explain videos about a lot of authors of philosophy. So, for me, it is more easy to learn only by listening, so use these videos like a podcast, because it is the best way to study for me, and their videos are easy to understand, more easy than reading the text (but also I read the text, is more like a complement). 

If you are a person who can’t concentrate at all, or maybe you can’t understand an author (and of course, if the channel has videos about them) you can visit this channel.
