4. Time to travel to the future

 Hello everyone, I’m here again with the fourth blog. Today we are going to talk about where I would like to go.

First of all, I want to go everywhere, because all the countries and, of course, the cities of these are so different from others. I think that all of them are special and have a tradicional things or mix with the global culture. So, for the first time I want to go to Asia, because the east is the opposite of the west, so their culture is so different as well, expecificaly I want to go to China, Korea and Japan. These countries have a really good mix of traditional and modern, have tradicional holidays like the Chinese new year, the festival of the moon in the mid-autumn, etc, but also have a lot of technology, like, LG, Sansumg are one of the top companies of Korea, Chine have their own system of social media and cell phones, Japan have a really goods companies of cars, and also have an advantage technology to create robots or holograms, like, a concert of hologram in the earlies 2010’
I would like to travel there for see their technology and but also for see their traditional culture, their festivals or their historical monuments (for example: the chinese wall), if I can, in no more than six or seven years. I hope that I will finish my career by that time, and, of course, without a pandemic. I want, first of all, to go only for vacations and not to stay here, because I think that we need to know how the countrie, the city work after we decide to stay there.


  1. hello carla i find your position on the places you want to visit and why you want to visit them very interesting. i have always been struck by the combination of tradition and modernity that China combines.

  2. hello carla, I am also interested in the idea of knowing the oriental culture that since its beginnings is so different from the occidental, I would especially like to go to china, since its cities look very fascinating

  3. I will think in the future oriental nations will take over us all lol


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